Effective Meditations

Creative Visualizing
A relaxing way to learn and experience the power of visualization and get the results you choose. To achieve your goals, it is imperative to be able to visualize the result on a daily basis. However, for many, this is much easier said than done. These meditations will help you tap your creative potential and master the art of visualization. You will quickly learn how to use this technique to make positive changes in your life.
Effective Meditations for Stress Relief
Discover how you can control stress effectively and effortlessly. This program will help you relax, free yourself from excessive stress, and take immediate control of your physical and mental well-being. It includes two complete present moment meditations that will help you achieve your goals.
Health and Healing
We all have immeasurable powers to heal ourselves and maintain our health. Become aware of your inner resources for natural health and healing. This very relaxing program offers easy techniques for focusing your mind towards better health and well being. It includes two complete present moment meditations that will help you achieve your goals.
Inner Peace and Happiness
Peace and happiness are yours with these easy techniques. This program is excellent for calming your mind and enabling you to reach and maintain a more positive, loving state of awareness and contentment. It includes two complete present moment meditations that will help you achieve your goals.
Overcoming Self-Doubt
Self-doubt and negative feelings quickly melt away as you experience these relaxing, confidence-building meditations. With this program, you will enjoy greater confidence and enjoy greater success in all areas of life. It includes two complete present moment meditations that will help you achieve your goals.
Positive Living
A positive attitude is critical to enjoying a happy and healthy life. People who think positively tend to be healthier and happier. These wonderful meditations will help you learn to be more positive and keep that positive outlook under any conditions. Enjoy the benefits of being a much more positive and optimistic person. You'll notice the changes every moment of every day for the rest of your life. It includes two complete present moment meditations that will help you achieve your goals.
Weight Control
The key to permanent weight control is in your mind. Deeply ingrained thoughts and beliefs are the source of bad eating and exercise habits and can result in a negative, overweight self-image. No diet or exercise program can succeed if your mind is working against you. But by eliminating negative thoughts and replacing them with positive thoughts, you can quickly establish new, healthy habits and discover a power in yourself that you never knew you had. Let this simple, natural method do for you what diets could never accomplish. It includes two complete present moment meditations that will help you achieve your goals.